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"Gimme More" Singer Britney Spears, 26, has been detained by police as she refused to release her two children, Sean Preston and Jayden James to her ex-husband, K-Fed as part of a court order. Britney Spears was brought to hospital in an ambulance for drink and drugs test. Police believe the singer was 'under the influence of an unknown substance'. She will be arrested and charged once test proves positive!!
Exclusive video of Britney Spears on a stretcher entering Ceders Emergency Room. There is a close up shot of her strapped to a stretcher and a shot of K-fed coming to be by Britneys side.
According to TMZ, two ambulances left Britney's house to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center transporting Britney, and her two-year-old Jayden James respectively!! No word on what Jayden was being treated for.
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