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STOMPER WATCHMAN seems like making the small matter becomes a big issue. It is really unfair and irrespect for privacy of the Caucasian couple who has been allegedly claimed for behaving intimately while sharing condominium pool with children in the northern part of Singapore at 5pm on 22nd Mar 09. The Watchman claimed that the girl was sitting on the guy, the guy was touching the girl intimately below the waist. He even commented that such behaviour even though was acceptable in general but not for the children on Sunday afternoon because there were a number of kids there. So, obviously the parents have to be well-prepared to explain to own children if they have been questioned after witnessing the scenario. For the aspect of parenting, this is not something that unhealthy to be seen by children. Restricting any child from exposure of "sensitive" topic does not help them to grow up properly. Look at those criminals, they break the laws due to improper basic home education from parents. Never suppress the curiosity of human nature deep inside to avoid unwanted issue to be occured. However, misleading the children will trigger more issues later.
As compared with Gary Ng, a guy who slept with so many different women and posted the explicit video on his own blogspot, this couple in the pool seems like only showing how much they appreciate and fond to each other without taking care of public existence. This is because they are already in a heavenly sweety relationship. Life is so short! Why shoyld they bother about other's comment or opinions as if they are perverts in pool?
We have to respect their privacy and their way of loving each other because they are not asians. Even the asian couples nowadays tend to show show off intimacy in public.
1 Comment:
That STOMPer very kay poh leh!!!
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