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It's been a long while waiting for new sequel of Twilight Saga - New Moon in 2009. The upcoming movie will be showed in November 2009 and here let's witness the new poster. Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart appeared in centre of poster vividly while Robert Pattinson remains transparent behind them. Obviously, this really shows that Edward Cullen will be less focused in this new sequel while the werewolves play major role in the movie. What do you think? Taylor is wrapping around Kristin Stewart while Robert stands behind them?
No doubt from the picture, Taylor has put on much more weight and muscles to strengthen his role in the movie due to long dispute over his role in the second sequel movie.
Let's get a peek at new sequel motion picture where Bella gets hurt during her birthday at Edward's house which endangered herself in Cullen's family. That's why Edward has to leave her for her safety!
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